Saturday, March 23, 2024
Eastland Suites Conference
Bloomington, IL
- Meeting called to order by IRA Vice-President Aaron
Collins N9OZB at 10:03 am. Aaron mentioned that Kermit was not able to
attend due to medical issues.
- Aaron welcomed
everyone and mentioned that the IRA is bringing elections back into
perspective and getting annual meetings back on board. Electronic meetings
will be permitted by an amendment of the constitution. This is Aaron’s 20th
year with the IRA. He described his various functions throughout his
tenure with the IRA.
- A roll call was
conducted by each participant in the room. The directors and officers went
first, then the microphone went around the room
with everyone introducing themselves, the repeaters they represented, and
location of their repeaters.
- Aaron introduced IRA
Former President and Tech Committee Chair Greg K9QI who read a statement
from IRA President Kermit W9XA, who had shoulder surgery yesterday and
couldn’t attend today’s annual membership meeting. Kermit is recovering
- Will read the
treasurer and secretary’s report.
- Aaron read the
Frequency Coordinator and Assistant Frequency Coordinator’s report. Aaron
thanked Mike K9KQX, Assistant Coordinator for his assistance. Aaron will
be transitioning the coordinator’s position over to Mike.
- Tech Committee report
was given by Committee Chair Greg K9QI. Greg mentioned his professional
duties and Part 97 expertise. He went over the proposal of transitioning
the two-meter data frequencies over to repeater pairs. This was not in
compliance with Part 97 provisions, so it was retracted at that time.
There may be further possibilities in the future. Greg asked everyone to
be patient as time progresses. Greg mentioned that he had a competent
technical committee including Mike AA9VI, Curt W9YNP, and Neil KB9VMR.
Greg said that he would take additional members if they so desired and met
the qualifications.
- Aaron said that there
are 3 board openings. Al K9SI is retiring at this time, and Mike AA9VI is
also stepping down as a director but will remain on the Tech Committee.
Director Candidate Steve N9ATO gave a brief description of his background
and qualifications. Director Candidate Neil KB9VMR also gave a brief
description of his qualifications and duties professionally and
- A motion has been
made to close nominations. Steve WD9CIR will remain a director, Steve
N9ATO and Neil KB9VMR will be voted in by acclimation. Aaron declared this
motion as no other candidates were made. It was seconded, and passed.
- Mark WB9QZB asked
about the relationship between the other coordinating councils. Aaron said
we have an excellent working relationship with “the Metro Corridors.”
- Greg K9QI publicly
thanked outgoing director Al K9SI for almost 2 decades of honorable
service to the IRA. Greg said that Al was his “go-to person.” Al was the
voice of reason for Greg and others. Al’s commemorative plaque was in
production and will be given to Al at a date in the near future. Al gave a
brief statement and was met with a round of applause.
- Greg mentioned that
we may not be able to convene in the future at Eastland Suites due to
elevated costs. If you have a location where the IRA could meet, please
contact Will, Aaron, or any member of the IRA Board with suggestions.
- Motion to adjourn,
seconded, and passed. Meeting adjourned at 11:05 am.
(after General Meeting)
Saturday, March 23, 2024
Eastland Suites Conference
Bloomington, IL
- Meeting called to order at 11 :30
am by V/P Aaron N9OZB.
- Board and Committee members remained after the general
membership meeting in attendance.
- Position of President appointed is Kermit W9XA,
Vice-President appointed is Aaron
- Secretary/Treasurer appointed is Will W9WSS. Elected Directors are Steve WD9CIR,
- N9ATO, and Neil
KB9VMR. and Jerry Seebok
N9RBQ. Moved and seconded.
- Position of Frequency Coordinator reappointed is Aaron
N9OZB, and Assistant Coordinator is Mike K9KQX. Moved and seconded.
- Chair for Technical Committee is Greg K9QI. Tech
committee members are Curt W9YNP, Neil KB9VMR, Mike AA9VI, and Steve
- Motion to adjourn meeting made, seconded; Meeting
adjourned at 11:34 am.