Friday, April 17, 2015
DoubleTree Hilton Hotel, Bloomington IL
- Meeting called to
order by Vice-President Tim Childers KB9FBI at 9:00 pm. Present for the
meeting: Vice-President Tim Childers KB9FBI, Secretary/Treasurer Will
Sperling K9WSS, Director Steve Craig WD9CIR, Director Jerry Sebok N9RBQ,
Director Al Wolfe K9SI, Director Milt Forsberg K9QZI, Frequency
Coordinator Aaron Collins N9OZB, Newsletter Editor Fred Seibold W9FWS,
Tech Committee Chairman Greg Buchwald K9QI, Assistant Frequency
Coordinator JP Watters KC9KKO, David Schank
KA9WXN WAR Chairman, Dave Karr KA9FUR, WAR Frequency Coordinator, Greg
Braun N9CHA Secretary of WAR
- A quorum with Board
members present was established.
- Board members and
participants introduced themselves; A total of 13
persons were present according to the sign-in sheet.
- Motion to dispense of
reading of past minutes; Seconded,
voted and carried
- Greg mentioned that
President Bill Kraus KA9FER had triple bypass surgery recently, and is
doing well. He was unable to attend these meetings.
- A lot of material was
discussed between Bill and Greg at the hospital prior to the meetings,
which will be covered at the membership meeting tomorrow.
- Whether the ARRL
takes batch submissions of repeater directory input will be requested of
Dick Isley W9GIG. Kermit Carlson W9XA will be the go-to person for this
matter, and clarification.
- Aaron left his letter
open-ended, hoping that the ARRL will place the input as it had been traditionally
done in the past.
- Tim asked that
reports from various persons be presented. Will did the Treasurer’s
report. Will also explained that Eastland Suites wasn’t available, so we
got a similar rate from DoubleTree Hilton Hotel. Costs will be compared,
and then it will be decided if we return to Eastland Suites, or remain at
DoubleTree Hilton for 2016.
- Greg wanted to know
if annual updates could be done electronically, as opposed to being mailed
to save considerable costs. Aaron stated that repeater applications should
still be mailed with a hard copy.
- Will mentioned that
maybe to cut costs, not to have the IRA Treasury pay for hotel rooms, or
otherwise just subsidize the costs somewhat.
- Financial issues
could be posted on the website, but meeting notice should be mailed via
USPS per the constitution. A postcard could suffice, and the newsletter
could be on the website; This is all subject to
vote and approval by the Board.
- Motion to accept the
treasury report; seconded, and passed (file attached).
- Aaron read his annual
Frequency Coordinator’s report (file attached). Motion to accept Aaron’s
report; seconded, and passed.
- Tech report by Greg;
Explained interference and other FCC trends that are relevant and affect
us. He just got back from the FCC. Dynamic Spectrum Access is the 3rd
generation of the FCC. He went through the history of the FCC, from the 1st
and 2nd generation, all the way to current 3rd
generation. Spectrum is becoming less available. Ham radio is tied with
the Department of Defense. With minimum of interference, certain spectra
of frequencies may be available to various services. This is temporary,
and may not be permanent. Whether data or voice, the spectrum is being
used appreciably. In past, similar to losing 220-222 MHz, but new methods could
be more drastic coming up in the future. ARRL had a rep to “Model City,” but it was light for Amateur
Radio. “Use it or lose it,” as stated in the past. There could be
degradation with least amount of notice. “Do minimum harm,” as opposed to
no interference. UHF DOD frequencies could be relinquished and re-used
elsewhere. Amateur 420-450 could still be in slight jeopardy close to
various coasts, but not so much inland locations. Brazil did
something where they took a large part of the spectrum and gave it
LTE-based systems. Systems that are used extensively will not be pulled
away, including those LTE systems. Pieces of the 144-145 spectrum could
“be attractive” to non-amateur services. Especially if the 20 KHz band
plan is not used extensively. Sharing for the most part is implied for
broadband. First act occurred today; All
commissioners agreed to open the 3550-3700 MHz was opened to broadband. In
the future it will be spread hundreds of MHz to be less detectable. This
could be crucial for defense protection. ARRL Spectrum Defense Fund
donation should be considered to be donated as in the past. Chris Imlay
does a good job taking our interests in mind for protection. The spectrum
shortages occur in the top 15 cities. Otherwise, there is a large amount of
spectrum available in the other less-used cities and locations. The League
should be using the input from coordinating services such as the IRA and
other states. Narrow deviation mode should be considered and utilized. UHF
systems going from analog to digital currently have to relinquish one of
the two slots per IRA coordination policies. Once this takes place, the
UHF system loses its availability to revert back to an analog-only system.
Considerable discussion ensued with Greg’s recommendation on how to handle
such coordination without an entity “losing” the remainder of its spectrum
after going digital. There is more improved technology coming in the very
near future, and we should keep all of this in mind and consider utilizing
it. PL/DPL/NAC/Color codes shouldn’t be forced on existing coordinated
holders, similar to last year. Interstate coordinations should be followed
by the existing plan and remain cooperative. Starting now, move forward
with the plan, make it voluntary in the future.
Coordination by propagation seems to work for WAR, and may be considered
however the software is very expensive ($2500.00+). Contours and ratios
must be kept in mind for IL and surrounding states. Greg will continue to
work on these goals and those of the IRA’s best interests.
- Tim said that Greg
can present what he described above at the membership meeting at his
discretion. A vote was taken to have Greg bring his technical discussion
at the membership meeting. Seconded, voted, and passed.
- John Watters said
that the database should be looked at more carefully for future newsletter
mailings. At this point, 30 newsletters came back out of the 508 that were
sent out. USPS can possibly send out mailed notices based on the database
given to them by us. We only have to pay, and not do any physical
mailings. This will also be considered for the future.
- It was discussed to
have the membership vote on forming a committee to look at and possibly
change the bylaws as currently written. This document is over 10 years
old, and should be looked at.
- Steve said that there
is a misconception that repeater owners must change their PL tones. This
is still voluntary per the IRA. No one has been informed that they had to
change their PL tone(s). Even with a recent interference issue, a suggestion
was made to change their tone, again, strictly voluntary, not mandatory by
the IRA. Greg said that newly coordinated systems will also be encouraged
to follow a PL plan, again, not mandatory.
- Dave Karr wrote a
policy for selective access. No carrier squelch, but the rest
(PL/DPL/Color Codes) will be voluntary. Extensive discussion ensued on
this matter. “Selective access guidelines” may be better wording to use
for the voluntary plan. Dave will make the presentation at the membership
meeting per Tim. With Dave’s permission, we can publish Dave’s document of
the suggested guidelines. Wisconsin
adopted this plan in March 2015. Indiana
also has a similar access guideline.
- Greg suggested that
“road trips” be taken to confirm that repeaters are still active and on
the air. This hasn’t been done in some time, and needs to be done in the
very near future.
- Dave Karr mentioned
that narrow banding should be considered by asking the President to form a
committee to examine the feasibility of available spectrum usage.
- Aaron advises that
the band plan document needs to be updated (2006). He suggested that we
re-farm the 900 MHz plan to use the lowest portion as link frequencies.
There are a limited number of 927 MHz frequencies available. A minor error
of 147.000 MHz is only ½ there. This is regarding the Galesburg system. The input should go
up, and it currently goes down. New ones should go up. Update to
coordination guidelines is necessary. SNP frequencies are an example. The
language must be corrected.
- Dave Karr faces 70 cm
congestion. He questioned some entries in the current database. Only
transmitters had been coordinated. Receive frequencies should strongly be
considered. These are pairs, not just a transmit frequency. Another
example is the WA9DZO repeater that has some link frequencies currently
not in use. VHF repeater out is 146.850, with an active 145.250 input.
There are other UHF frequencies that may not even be in use, but it’s not
certain. This also includes frequencies in Indiana also.
- Tim said that elections
will have to occur at the membership meeting. President, Vice-President,
Secretary/Treasurer, & two Board positions. Paper ballots were
prepared and will be distributed at the meeting.
- Motion made to close
the Board meeting; seconded, and passed. Closed at 12:05 am 4-18-15.
Saturday, April 18, 2015
DoubleTree Hilton Hotel, Bloomington, IL
- Meeting called to
order by Vice-President Tim Childers KB9FBI at 1008 hours; President Bill
Kraus KA9FER unable to attend due to surgery & recovery.
- Introduction of IRA
Board, members, and guests went around the room. Total number of attendees
according to the sign-in sheet was 44.
- Minutes from last
year’s meeting moved to be accepted as published. Seconded, and passed.
- Will read the
Treasurer’s report (attached). Motion made, seconded, and accepted.
- Aaron read the
Frequency Coordinator’s report (attached). Motion made, seconded, and
- Dick Isley W9GIG from the ARRL spoke upon request of Tim.
Dick and Kermit worked with Steve Ford of the ARRL who is in charge of the
repeater directory which is published by the ARRL. He mentioned that LOTW
was being massively improved. The other task of putting the repeater
directory compiled was overhauled, and the way it was handled was less
than satisfactory for submission of repeater information. A newer and
better way of submission is currently being worked on, and should
hopefully be improved by the end of this year. Dick said that he will on
top of the situation, and will insist that this issue will be resolved by
the ARRL in a timely manner. Dick gave a little history of himself, his
family, how and why he became an ARRL Director, and his commitment to
Amateur Radio. Dick voiced his displeasure of the current situation of the
FCC, and its personnel profile(s) of the commissioners. He said that they
are all lawyers, and should be comprised of electronic engineers.
- Greg reported on the
Technical Committee. Greg said that he was receiving text messages from
President Bill KA9FER, who wanted to know how things were going, and was
told it’s going well. Greg spoke about the better use of spectrum, and
about a number of topics. Forced sharing of defense spectrum was
discussed, mainly in the 3.5 GHz band. He explained the 3rd
generation of the FCC’s Dynamic Spectrum Access. This would be making
short-term use of spectrum. UHF will be another subject of re-coordination
due to its ability to work in-building, with other usage. Greg suggested to make and keep current spectrum active, and protect
the spectrum. Yesterday, 3550-3700 was designated by the FCC to Dynamic
Spectrum Access. ARRL Spectrum Defense Fund is vital to be supported. He
recommended that the IRA consider donating again to the Spectrum Defense Fund.
Keep the ARRL reps and Dave Karr “in the loop.” Greg would like to see
certain channels aside, and use them to keep the spectrum active. Analog
can always be considered as a back-up. It always has, and always will be.
PL/DPL/NAC/Color Code makes sense; it’s a voluntary plan, not mandatory.
This should be considered when new systems are coordinated. Motion to
accept, 2nd, and approve Greg’s report.
- President’s report –
Tim thanked JP Watters for his assistance in this year’s mailing. Fred has
requested to retire as newsletter editor.
- Tim said that
elections are due at this meeting (see attached ballot). He and the others
gave short descriptions of their respective offices that are seeking
re-election. Greg made very positive statements about President Bill
Kraus, and how much the organization means to him, and that he desires to
be re-elected to the office of President of the IRA. Nominations for
various offices were brought up. This includes President, Vice-President,
Secretary-Treasurer, and two Board positioins. A
motion for acclimation for election was moved, seconded, and passed.
- Selected Access
Guideline was proposed and discussed in detail by Dave Karr, Frequency
Coordinator of WAR (Wisconsin Coordinating Council) which suits our needs.
This is once again voluntary, but suggested. Motion for the draft of this
plan, seconded, and passed.
- Spectrum Defense Fund
– As done in the past by the IRA. Motion to send $500 to the ARRL,
seconded, and passed.
- Request to present to
Dave Karr $300 (instead of the traditional $200) for annual support for
frequency coordination software. Motion, seconded, and passed.
- Tim suggested that a
committee should be formed for better spectrum management. Input will be
sought. Dave Karr mentioned how to re-farm some of the VHF frequencies
available. This is from previous work that has been done by other areas of
the USA.
Kermit mentioned that the ARRL doesn’t want to be involved in this
committee. Greg would like to chair this committee. No motion needed to
form this committee as necessary. Dick Isley
suggested not publishing until policy is made. Leaks can cause heartaches
along the line.
- By laws need to be
re-examined, and changed as a committee sees fit. Mainly changes to
mailings, from USPS to electronic emailing. This as one point would save
lots of funds for the treasury. Several areas will be explored. Motion to
set up a committee, seconded, and passed.
- Motion to adjourn,
seconded, and passed. Meeting closed at 1210 pm.
(after General Meeting)
April 18, 2015
DoubleTree Hilton Hotel, Bloomington, IL
- Due to Bill KA9FER’s
absence due to illness, meeting convened by V/P Tim at 1215.
- Board and Committee
members will remain in their respective offices for the upcoming 2015-2016
- Fred retired as
Newsletter Editor; Milt volunteered to pick up these duties.
- Assistant Frequency
Coordinator appointed as JP Watters KC9KKO.
- Meeting closed at
1220 hours.