April 21, 2006


The Illinois Repeater Association Board of Directors meeting for April 22, 2006 was called to order by IRA President Rich Ranson at  9:00PM  at the Eastland Suites Bloomington/Normal, Illinois.


IRA Officers Present:

President: Richard Ranson, N9YAY

Vice President Tim Childers, KB9FBI

Secretary/Treasurer Larry Schroeder, KA9KDC

Directors- - Al Wolfe, K9SI.

               William Kraus, KA9FER  (delayed/arrived after start)

                Stephen Look, KA9SZW



Staff Present: Aaron Collins, N9OZB, Frequency Coordinator.

         Robert Shepard, KA9FLX, Technical Committee Chairman.

         Fred Seibold, W9FWS, Newsletter Editor.


Guests Present:

Dave Karr, KA9FUR, Wisconsin Frequency Coordinator




Moment of Reflection taken for honored  IRA officer, now Silent Key:   Past Director: Jack Frank, KE9WS



Request of additional items to be added to the agenda: President Ranson asked if any items should be added to the previously provided agenda. Aaron Collins, IRA Frequency Coordinator suggested that some improvements/amendments to Coordination Policy by considered in new business.


Minutes of Previous Meetings: KB9FBI moved and KA9SZW seconded a motion to approve the minutes as previously published in the 2005 newsletter.  Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.


Treasurer's Report: Secretary/ Treasurer, KA9KDC, read the treasurer's for the period of April 2005 to April 20, 2006. Last years balance was $5,391.23. Through the year expense was $2221.64 and income was  $2661.00. Therefore the balance as of 04/20/06 was $5,830.59.   K9SI moved and KB9FBI seconded a motion that the report be accepted. The motion carried by voice vote.


Frequency Coordinators Report.

v      Review of past years coordination and actions

v      discussion of PL Table for Illinois

v      W9AZ/R will be sent followup to provide correct repeater parameters to update their coordination information.

v      A complaint form and procedure will be documented.  This documentation will be added to the IRA web site.

A motion to accept the report was made by  KB9FBI and seconded by KA9SZW. The motion was passed by voice vote.



Technical Committee Report:

v      importance of ALL coordinated repeater owners & groups to take active role in communicating & reducing problems that result from uncoordinated repeaters and those who do not confirm to guidelines.

v      DSTAR, APCO and other digital system technology discussion, future for narrowband allocations

v      recommendation from WI Freq Coordinator, Dave Karr that partnership with Illinois on waiting list and options should occur.


A motion to accept the report was made by KB9FBI and seconded by KA9SZW. The motion was passed by voice vote.


Old Business:




New Business :



Discussion of improved procedure updates for the IRA Coordination Policy & Guidelines as relates to Decoordination procedures.    Three updates were recommended by the frequency coordinator and technical committee chairman.  After some discussion and subsequent agreement by the board, the following recommendations to the general membership for ratification at 4/22 meeting are being made:


KB9FBI motion to submit to the membership for approval; KB9SZW second, motion passed by voice vote.


The following changes to the IRA Coordination Policy and Guidelines:


Section 2 "Frequency Decoordination Notice" of the Decoordination "Coordination Withdrawal Rules" currently states:




If the violation(s) have not been resolved within sixty (60) days of the mailing of the Frequency Coordination Agreement Violation Notice [FCAVN], a  Frequency Decoordination Hearing Notice shall be sent by certified mail, with a return receipt requested, to the coordination holder of record a minimum of thirty (30) days in advance of the hearing.


Change to:


  If the violation(s) have not been resolved within sixty (60) days of the mailing of the Frequency Coordination Agreement Violation Notice [FCAVN] and no due diligence was made to present and communicate with the Illinois Repeater Association, the IRA board at its option may execute the decoordination.



Section 8 "Frequency Recoordination" within Decoordination "Coordination Withdrawal Rules" currently states:

If there is no referendum on the IRA Board of Directors' action(s).  Decoordinated frequency

pair(s) shall not be recoordinated for a minimum of sixty (60) days following the decoordination hearing.  If there is a referendum vote taken, and the IRA Board of Directors' action(s) are not reversed, the recoordination of the frequency(s)  in question shall not be done until a minimum of thirty (30) days after the tallying of the referendum ballots.


Word "hearing" will be deleted.


Add New paragraph within Coordination Guidelines:


Willful False Statements in Coordinations

  Lack of candor in communications with the Illinois Repeater Association may be grounds for initiating a withdrawal of coordination (decoordination) or dismissal of application.


Clarification to Section 5 of the "Conditions of Coordination" which currently states:

 If a repeater is going to be off the air for more than sixty (60) days, it is necessary to notify the IRA Frequency Coordinator, in writing, explaining the reasons why operation has ceased and when normal operation is expected to be restored.     

  -AND reason -c- of the "Coordination Withdrawal" <reasons> which states -

                A frequency coordination may be withdrawn by the coordinator for any of the following reasons:

c.             If a repeater is inoperative for more than 180 days.


Added clarification:

If a repeater is off the air with notice to the IRA,  it shall not be for a period of greater than 180 days.   This period may be renewed and extended at the discretion of the IRA board.




"Provide $100.00 to author of the software "Coordinators Toolkit" used for repeater coordination Motion by KA9KDC. Second KA9SZW.   Approved by voice vote.




"Establish a Yahoo User Group for -IllinoisRepeaterAssociation-  to provide additional paths for communication within the organization, beyond the present Web Site."   N9YAY and KA9KDC will coordinate the establishment and administration of the group.




Illinois Incorporation "agent" will be transferred at the next annual renewal with the IL Secretary of State  from Dick Isely to present secretary treasurer, Larry Schroeder, KA9KDC.   A safe deposit box will be established with the IRA's bank to retain significant incorporation papers.

Motion by KA9FER, Second by KA9SZW, approved by voice vote.


Adjournment:  KA9FER moved and KA9SZW seconded that the IRA Board of Directors' Meeting be recessed until after the annual meeting on April 21, 2006.  Motion passed by unanimous voice vote.  The meeting was recessed at  12:10 PM.


Respectfully submitted,


Larry Schroeder, KA9KDC


Illinois Repeater Association Inc. 




Annual Meeting Minutes

APRIL 22,2006


Call to order: The meeting was called to order by IRA president Rich Ranson, N9YAY at 10:00 AM at the Eastland Suites, Bloomington/Normal Illinois. Larry Schroeder KA9KDC, secretary/treasurer, verified that there was a quorum present as required in the constitution to conduct business.


Introduction of Officers and Attendees: N9YAY asked everyone to introduce themselves and identify the repeater(s) they represent. There were 46 persons in attendance representing 71 repeaters.     Also present was Dave Karr, KA9FUR, Wisconsin Frequency Coordinator


Reading of minutes: N9JYI moved and W9XA seconded a motion that the minutes of the 20045annual meeting be approved as published in the IRA Newsletter. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.


Treasurer’s report: Secretary/ Treasurer, KA9KDC, read the treasurer's for the period of April 2005 to April 20, 2006. Last years balance was $5,391.23. Through the year expense was $2221.64 and income was  $2661.00. Therefore the balance as of 04/20/06 was $5,830.59.   WD9DAU moved and WD9HSY seconded a motion that the report be accepted. The motion carried by voice vote.


Coordinator’s report: President N9YAY introduced Aaron Collins, N9OZB Frequency Coordinator, and thanked him for his efforts in the past year. Aaron presented his written report that highlighted the activity in the past year. He also voiced concern that there are still a number of coordination update forms that have not been completed and returned.    He highlighted that when update forms are unanswered for two years that is grounds for decoordination.   A discussion about several aspects of the report resulted in Aaron answering all concerns that were raised.


  • 50 coordination requests processed in past year
  • 12 coordinations are in progress
  • waiting list for NE IL:  one system on file
  • 2nd notice for annual update mailing was beneficial for getting responses.
  • Added second SMP pair set aside on 440 Mhz (441.500/+)
    • SMP is coordinated to 50wt ERP/50' hgt limitation
  • PL Plan being set
  • Electronic Updates for cooridations being considered
  • Along with technical committee chair, KA9FLX - studying on digital and narrowband implications for coordination.    Noted that several digital repeater systems are coordinated and in operation with state.
  • Recognized the value of the coordinators toolkit in use for coordination work, a software packaged engineered by Dave Karr.


A motion to accept the coordinators report was made by WD9DAU and seconded by W9DWP. The motion was accepted by voice vote.



Technical Committee report: Robert Shepard, KA9FLX, reported on general activities and topics being dealt with.  Bob emphasized the importance of valid and legitimate coordination parameters being on file for managing issues.


W9XA moved that the report be accepted the motion was seconded by N9JWI and carried by voice vote.


President’s  report: Rich Ranson, N9YAY,  reported on NFCC status and recent "conference call" meetings, as well as an upcoming meeting at the Dayton Hamvention.   Rich talked about the importance of the Illinois Repeater Association, and the healthy status of coordination in Illinois.  Pointing out that the Illinois amateuer "community" is in good shape, unlike other areas of the country challenged by lack of interest and competing/rogue coordinators.



Election of Officers/Directors: Two director positions (2 year term) were up for election.


Nominations were taken from floor


KA9SZW, nominated by W9XA seconded by KC9BVT.


WD9CIR, nominated by WD9HRU seconded by KA9KDC.



Due to the fact that there were no additional nominations for any of the positions W9XA made a motion that all nominees be declared elected by acclimation. The motion was seconded by N9JWI and carried by voice vote Therefore:


Your Elected Board for 2005-2006:

President-Richard Ranson, N9YAY

Vice President- Timothy Childers, KB9FBI

Secretary/Treasurer-Larry Schroeder, KA9KDC

Directors-     (2005-2007) Allen Wolf-K9SI, William Kraus-KA9FER,


(2006-2008) Stephen Craig-WD9CIR, Steve Look-KA9SZW   


Old Business:




New Business:


Acceptance of amended "IRA Coordination Policy & Guidelines" which  improved and clarified for Decoordination.     See 4/22/2006 Board Meeting Minutes  for details of wording as set by IRA Board.


Motion by WD9HSY for acceptance of Coordination Policy update "Item1". Second by N9JWI and carried by voice vote.

Motion by WD9HSY for acceptance of Coordination Policy update "Item2". Second by WD9CIR and carried by voice vote.

Motion by W9XA for acceptance of Coordination Policy update "Item3". Second by WD9HSY and carried by voice vote.


Donation for Coordinators Toolkit Software.  $100   Motion by WD9HSY for acceptance of Coordination Policy update "Item3". Second by N9JWI and carried by voice vote.



Yahoo Group Establishment:

To be used for communication and informal discussion of membership on organization topics.

IRA members should join this new group:  IllinoisRepeaterAssociation



Adjournment: There being no further business before the body a motion to adjourn was made by W9XA and seconded by WD9DAU and approved by a unanimous voice vote. The meeting was adjourned at 11:21am


Respectfully submitted,


Larry Schroeder, KA9KDC

Secretary /Treasurer

Illinois Repeater Association Inc.





April 22, 2006


The meeting of the Board of Directors of the Illinois Repeater Association was reconviened by IRA President Rich Ranson at 11:30 AM at the Best Western, Eastland Suites Bloomington/Normal, Illinois.


IRA Officers Present:  President Richard Ranson, N9YAY - Vice President Timothy Childers, KB9FBI- Secretary/Treasurer Lawrence Schroeder, KA9KDC - Directors: Allen Wolfe, K9SI – William Kraus, KA9FER- Stephen Look, KA9SZW, Stephen Craig, WD9CIR


IRA officers absent:  None.


Committee and Frequency Coordinator Appointments: N9YAY appointed Aaron Collins, N9OZB to serve as Frequency Coordinator for the next year. KA9FER moved and KB9FBI seconded that this appointment be confirmed.

N9YAY Appointed Bob Shepard, KA9FLX to serve as IRA Technical Committee Chairman. K9SI moved and  WD9CIR seconded a motion to confirm this appointment.

N9YAY appointed Fred Seibold, W9FWS, to serve as Newsletter Editor. KA9SZW  moved and KA9FER seconded a motion that this appointment be confirmed.

 All three motions passed by a unanimous voice vote.


MACC Director Appointments: N9YAY appointed KB9FBI and W9GIG to serve as MACC Directors for the next 12 months, and N9OZB to serve as MACC Frequency Coordinator. K9SI moved and KA9SZW seconded a motion that the IRA Board of Directors confirm these appointments.  Motion passed by unanimous voice vote.


NFCC Delegate: KA9KDC moved and WD9CIR seconded a motion that: “The IRA President shall cast all NFCC ballots on behalf of the IRA, and that the IRA Vice President shall do so in the absence or incapacity of the IRA President, or by the direction of the IRA President.”  Motion passed by unanimous voice vote.


IRA Officer Badges:   KB9FBI moved that badges be made for IRA board/officers and KA9FER seconded, passed by unanimous vote.


Adjournment: KA9FER moved and KA9KDC seconded that the IRA Board of Directors meeting be adjourned.  Motion passed by unanimous voice vote.  The meeting adjourned at 11:35 April 22, 2006.


Respectfully submitted,


Larry Schroeder, KA9KDC


Illinois Repeater Association Inc.